A format of the text file which the library-file conversion tool created (version 1.01)
It is applied after the version 0.92 of D2CAD.
Combination and division of a library file can be performed using data created by this file.
Moreover, I think that change of a character sequence and change of character height can also be performed.
In addition, although a fine setup is also possible, please correct this, seeing a picture within a schematic.
Here, explanation required to change a character sequence and its size is given.
As for the first seven lines, a version and a date are recorded.
Since it is used by the conversion to a library file, don't change the first one line.
The line which has "#" in a head turns into a comment line, and a program ignores.
A name is surrounded by ".
A lower example is a call name from a parts library. It is parts called RL-C.
A [call parts name] and a [parts name] are explained here.
D2CAD is distinguishing and using the [call parts name] and the [parts name].
Usually, when registering with a library file so that the parts with which the position of the pin on a schematic is different also by the same parts name can be treated although there are many of these things of the name with two [ same ], it saves as a [call parts name] apart from a [parts name].
* Call parts name *
It is the name specified when registering with a library.
* Parts name *
It is the name used at the time of parts table creation.
Coordinates used in a file are absolute coordinates on the schematic when creating parts.
Offset is attached to this at the time of a parts input, and it is used by being returned to relative coordinates.
Package Name "RL-C" <- The name used to a parts input is specified.
The package total included in the parts of 1<-1 Package Total is specified.
Package [1] <- Number of a package (it is carried out and made turn from 1)
Part 9200 4600 8994 4194 9706 4806 2 1 0 0
Name "OPAMP2" 9340 4340 65 32768
Ref "U10A" 9315 4500 65 30
Val "EL2244CS" 9365 4405 65 0
Pin 9200 4400 9000 4400 1
Name "+IN" 9218 4400 70 32792
No "3" 9150 4400 70 10
Pin 9200 4600 9000 4600 0
Name "-IN" 9218 4600 70 32792
No "2" 9150 4600 70 10
Pin 9300 4380 9300 4200 15
Name "-V" 9300 4398 70 33048
No "4" 9300 4330 70 266
Pin 9500 4500 9700 4500 2
Name "OUT" 9482 4500 70 32794
No "1" 9550 4500 70 8
Pin 9300 4620 9300 4800 15
Name "+V" 9300 4602 70 33050
No "8" 9300 4670 70 264
Line 9200 4325 9200 4675 1
Line 9220 4400 9260 4400 1
Line 9240 4380 9240 4420 1
Line 9220 4600 9260 4600 1
Line 9500 4500 9200 4325 1
Line 9200 4675 9500 4500 1
Package End <- Package end